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07 may 2024

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Beyond the Diagnosis:
Empowering ADHD

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo...

Oh, okay. So yeah, some form of psychology. And then when you go on and you get your PhD in clinical psychology, and then you do a two year postdoctoral fellowship with emphasis on neuropsychology before you embark on sort of working either privately or at a group practice or whatever it is. And I was interested in it because it’s a really cool, I think, combination of the scientist practitioner model where you are

a clinician, you’re working with people, you get to spend time with families and be a part of their lives, but you’re also a scientist, you’re gathering data, you’re testing hypotheses, and so I really like the combination of those two things. It’s something that I think will be interesting forever because each case is different, each family is different, you’re always learning something in you, and the more interested you are in your job, the better, I think you’ll probably be at it, right? And then the pediatric piece.

I have a much younger brother, he’s my half brother, he’s 30 and for those of you who may not be seeing this visually, I am older than 30. And so I was a teenager when he was growing up and so watching him grow up, I really sort of, I just really enjoyed it and I thought it would be fun to work with kids. Of course, now that I have my own kids, sometimes I question that decision. Overall, I think it’s still a great decision. So I don’t know if there’s anything different for you, Yael, but that was my personal sort of journey to this point.

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Consectetur Adipsicing Elit, Sed
Do Eisumond....

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Oh, okay. So yeah, some form of psychology. And then when you go on and you get your PhD in clinical psychology, and then you do a two year postdoctoral fellowship with emphasis on neuropsychology before you embark on sort of working either privately or at a group practice or whatever it is. And I was interested in it because it’s a really cool, I think, combination of the scientist practitioner model where you are

a clinician, you’re working with people, you get to spend time with families and be a part of their lives, but you’re also a scientist, you’re gathering data, you’re testing hypotheses, and so I really like the combination of those two things. It’s something that I think will be interesting forever because each case is different, each family is different, you’re always learning something in you, and the more interested you are in your job, the better, I think you’ll probably be at it, right? And then the pediatric piece.

I have a much younger brother, he’s my half brother, he’s 30 and for those of you who may not be seeing this visually, I am older than 30. And so I was a teenager when he was growing up and so watching him grow up, I really sort of, I just really enjoyed it and I thought it would be fun to work with kids. Of course, now that I have my own kids, sometimes I question that decision. Overall, I think it’s still a great decision. So I don’t know if there’s anything different for you, Yael, but that was my personal sort of journey to this point.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo...

Oh, okay. So yeah, some form of psychology. And then when you go on and you get your PhD in clinical psychology, and then you do a two year postdoctoral fellowship with emphasis on neuropsychology before you embark on sort of working either privately or at a group practice or whatever it is. And I was interested in it because it’s a really cool, I think, combination of the scientist practitioner model where you are

a clinician, you’re working with people, you get to spend time with families and be a part of their lives, but you’re also a scientist, you’re gathering data, you’re testing hypotheses, and so I really like the combination of those two things. It’s something that I think will be interesting forever because each case is different, each family is different, you’re always learning something in you, and the more interested you are in your job, the better, I think you’ll probably be at it, right? And then the pediatric piece.

I have a much younger brother, he’s my half brother, he’s 30 and for those of you who may not be seeing this visually, I am older than 30. And so I was a teenager when he was growing up and so watching him grow up, I really sort of, I just really enjoyed it and I thought it would be fun to work with kids. Of course, now that I have my own kids, sometimes I question that decision. Overall, I think it’s still a great decision. So I don’t know if there’s anything different for you, Yael, but that was my personal sort of journey to this point.

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